Posts in category win9x

Make DVD Installer from CDs

Just stumbled on this online. Feel free to extrapolate:

  1. Create a Temp folder on harddrive. Name this folder "HL2_DVD" This will be the Label of our DVD.
  2. Copy all contents of CD1 to this Temp folder.
  3. From CD2 copy just two files! The "cab" file (hl2.CAB) and the "installer.dll" file to the main directory of the Temp folder.
  4. From CD3 copy the "hl23.CAB" file to the main directory of the Temp folder.
  5. From CD4 copy the "hl24.CAB" file to the main directory of the Temp folder.
  6. From CD5 copy the "hl25.CAB" file to the main directory of the Temp folder.
  7. Now download and install "Orca".
  8. Once Orca is installed go to the Temp folder and right click the file "hl2.msi" and from near the top of the menu choose "Edit with Orca".
  9. When opened you will see 2 window panes, go to the "Tables" one on the left and scroll down to Media"
    1. Click on "Media" this will show you the entries in the Right pane. There will be 6 columns.
    2. Change all the entries in the "VolumeLabel" column to HL2_DVD
    3. Then "Save" it. (You can also use a program called "Masai Editor" instead of "Orca")
  10. Now burn to a DVD using Nero using the Label HL2_DVD.

Removing Norton !AntiVirus for GOOD

Hello Aaron,

Thank you for contacting Symantec Online Technical Support.

In your message you wrote:

I previously had NAV 2000 installed. I had paid for subscription upgrades and my last one expired 6/21/04. I bought NAV 2004. I went to install, it said to uninstall 2000, so I did. I now installed and activated NAV 2004. However, when I start it, it says I get 366 days of subscription but still shows 6/21/04 as the end date! I cannot even run the program.

Aaron, this issue occurs due to traces of the previous version still present on your computer. In order to resolve this issue, I suggest that you uninstall Norton AntiVirus (NAV) 2004, uninstall previous version completely using Rnav2003.exe utility, perform clean boot of Windows and then reinstall NAV 2004.

Please follow the steps in the URL provided below to uninstall NAV 2004:

Title: 'Uninstalling Norton AntiVirus 2004 or Norton AntiVirus 2004 Professional Edition' Document ID: 2003080311011006

Web URL:

Rnav2003.exe is a utility that manually uninstalls the program files and registry entries that are installed by NAV 5.0/2000/2001/2002/2003. Please follow the steps in the URL provided below to uninstall NAV by using Rnav2003.exe:

Title: 'How to uninstall Norton AntiVirus 2003 or earlier by using the Rnav2003.exe removal utility' Document ID: 2001092114452606

Web URL:

A clean boot is a restart of Windows with no applications running and with as few extra drivers loading as possible. Please refer the document provided below for instructions to clean boot your computer:

Title: 'Configuring Windows 98 to clean boot' Document ID: 199869145548

Web URL:

Please click on the URL link mentioned below to read the Knowledge Base Document for the installation procedure, if you have the installation program in the CD:

Title: 'Installing Norton AntiVirus 2004 or Norton AntiVirus 2004 Professional from the CD' Document ID: 2003072912563606

Web URL:

If you have purchased the software from Symantec Store, please be aware that when you purchase a downloadable product from the Symantec Store, you may, for the purpose of reinstalling a replacement copy, download the software any number of times from the Symantec Store within a period of 60 days from the date of purchase at no additional charge.

If it is more than 60 days then this is not possible unless the Extended Download Service (EDS) had been previously purchased.

If you have purchased the EDS, you may download the software any number of times, for a period of one year after the date of purchase.

If you know your order number and your password, or know both the email address and credit card number under which the order was placed, you can download it again from Symantec store. Please note that you may download the software only for a period of one year after the date of purchase.

For re-downloading the software, please refer to the link provided below:

Web URL:

If you do not remember your order details or encounter a difficulty during the download process or have any concerns regarding the download of the software, I recommend that you contact Symantec Store. You may contact Symantec Store directly by calling the following phone numbers:

International: 1-952-646-5623 North America: 866-285-6460

Or by Web at:\question

Note that Symantec Store is only responsible for software that is downloaded from the Symantec Store Web site. If you purchased the Norton software from another location then please contact the site you purchased from for assistance regarding the re-download of the software.

Please refer to the link provided below for the installation of Norton AntiVirus (NAV) that has been downloaded:

Title: 'Installing Norton AntiVirus 2004 or Norton AntiVirus 2004 Professional Edition that was downloaded from the Symantec Store' Document ID: 2003072611124806

Web URL:

Please let us know if this resolves the issue or if we can be of further assistance.


Yeshaswini Symantec Authorized Technical Support

How to delete a file already in use by Windows

***** PROBLEM *****

How to delete a file already in use by Windows?

~~~~~ SOLUTION ~~~~~

1. Create the file:


2. Add the following 2 lines:


You will need the DOS short name, not the Windows' long name.

3. Save > Restart Windows

The file will be deleted when you restart.

All the GNU utils you can shake a CLI at for Windows

Has Mozilla stopped downloading?

Erase compreg.dat from Mozilla directory. It'll get rebuilt automagically.

HP Printers crashing Win98 (and getting VxD versions under Linux)

Kitty says to me today she's having printing problems. About ½ the time, the machine just hangs when she tries to print. I reply with the standard help desk response of "reinstall the print drivers". Oh boy.

Shortly thereafter, not only did the new printer software fail to find the printer, the damned thing would BSOD (Win98) if it was booted WITHOUT the USB printer attached!

Then USB just stopped working for a while. That was cute.

Long story short - after many (many) reboots, including logged boots and many BSODs (and just plain lockups on boot) I finally noticed that even with it all supposedly uninstalled, it still BSODd without the printer attached. I'm talking manual Registry wipes uninstall. It wouldn't lock if I deleted the USB hub from Windows. Until I rebooted again and then BSOD. I found it was still loading a VxD file.

Yes folks, think WAY back. 16 bit. Windows 3.1 - "System.ini"!!! But it wasn't there either. In there is a line that says to load "*.VxD".

So I erased (OK, moved) all the HP*.VxD files in C:\Windows\System\VMM32\ (WTF?) and wow - everything was A-OK when there was no printer attached! I figured that would make a good baseline - if it don't boot without the printer, it will never boot with.

I connected the printer, pointed it to the directory where I had downloaded the drivers, and it installed without a hitch. Even installed the accessory utils automagically.

So I went back to that VMM32 directory. The HP files were back. Copied them all to my fileserver, and ran diff on them. No differences. Except… there was a file "hpziop98.vxd" what wasn't reinstalled. Lo and behold, the old directory had both "hpziop98.vxd" and "hpziop00.vxd". Kinda suspicious, huh?

Here's a Linux command for you to file away:

strings *.vxd | grep -A 20 ProductVersion'''

1, 18, 6, 0
Hewlett-Packard 1284 Driver.
1998. All rights reserved.
1, 18, 6, 0
1284 Driver.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Built on 12/30/99 2:00pm

1, 16, 7, 0
Hewlett-Packard 1284 Driver.
1998. All rights reserved.
1, 16, 7, 0
1284 Driver.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Built on 10/12/99 2:30pm

Yes folks, some time between Oct and Dec 1999, HP renamed their 1284 driver file, and didn't tell the uninstaller (which I ran at least 3 times!) to remove the older version if it saw it! AND, IEEE 1284 is PARALLEL PORT!!! Lastly, you'll note the "OriginalFilename" entry for the __98 file?!?

Fixed. Total time: almost 2.5 HOURS.

Don't load Win98 files onto a Win98SE machine!

Spent 5 hours trying to get Ceci's Win98SE machine to work with a wireless USB thingee. The sad part is that it worked fine for a few minutes right at the beginning… then what? Windows Update killed it!!!

So I try to reinstall the driver. This time I figure that maybe I should have the installer overwrite the files from the Windoze CD since Windows Update screwed them up in the first place.

OK, no more story time. On to the lessons learned. I can almost guarantee that you will get BSODs and all other kinds of fun stuff (eg. Device Manager CRASHING even in Safe Mode!!!) if you pop in a Windows 98 disk when installing drivers and the computer is running windows 98 SE. Oh yeah. *BIG* fun. About 5 hours later it finally hit me that the CD didn't match the OS on the boot screen!!!

Don't put a WD drive in a RAID system

Optimize Swap File Performance

On systems with larger amounts of memory, more than 128Mb, the hard disk based swap file is not needed as much. This tweak optimizes the use of the swap file on such systems.

Using notepad open the SYSTEM.INI file in your Windows directory.

Find the [386Enh] section and add a new line reading


Save the file and restart Windows for the change to take effect.

Registry Settings
Value Name: ConservativeSwapfileUsage
Value Data: 1

nForce2 Driver Problems (Abit NV7-133R)

I have changed mobos "under" Windows many, MANY times… and THAT is the problem.

This install of Win98 has lasted since early 1999 - including… many, many registry hacks (which I am still putting back in now) mobos / procs:

  • Abit BH6, Celeron overclocked to 550
  • Abit BH6, Celeron overclocked to 850, then 950
  • Abit KG7-Lite, Athlon XP 1600+
  • died on Abit NV7-133R, Athlon XP 1600+

hard drives:

  • 20 GB on the mobo
  • Promise 66 RAID 2x20 + 1x40
  • Promise 66 RAID 2x40 + 1x80
  • Promise 100 RAID 2x40 + 1x80

video cards:

  • no-name PCI plus voodoo2
  • TNT2 (forgot which one, it was only a week)
  • voodoo3 3000
  • geforce3 ti 450 (gainward)

The list doesn't include 2 SCSI cards (ISA, then SCSI), the various CD-Burners (2), ZIP drive, scanners (3), cameras (2), mp3 player, X10 control hardware, and everything else that would bloat the hell out of the registry!

So it finally caught up with me, I am reinstalling Windows right now…

To answer all questions -

  • I will NOT go to XP as my home OS. Maybe in a VMWare window with

Linux watching it very VERY closely. I considered Win2K but found out a game I like ("Alice") doesn't work there… I have also had problems with Ghost on my laptop with Win2K…

  • The tape detection was crashing VCOMM because Windows was looking

for a parallel-port tape drive (my theory)

  • And the kicker, something that people NEED TO BE AWARE OF WITH

THIS MOTHERBOARD - installing the nForce drivers from the nVidia web page KILLED win98. I did an absolutely fresh install, ran it, BOOM no booting, total lockup. In safe mode, I went in and deleted the "new" not working PCI video - I assume the nForce installer pokes something in the registry to tell Windows that the video is there, but the 133R has it disabled, so Windows tries booting and just says "WTF?" - bootlog.txt showed it dying on video init.

Mis-ID'd Hard Drive

Problem: I have an 80GB Maxtor hooked up to the on-board IDE using a nice fancy 80 pin rounded cable. My problem is that when I cold boot, it ID's the hard drive as a "MAXTOR ROMULUS" and then says error with the drive. I hit ctrl-alt-del and it reboots, properly IDs, and boots fine. Any ideas? I have messed with the IDE delay, up to 3 seconds didn't fix it…

Solution: Turns out that drive didn't like to be the 'Slave' without a 'Master'. Never saw that before and I have had Master-less drives before…

UT Server on Laptop Problem

Don't remember how I figured it out… but I remember it took months. If your UT server is playing super crappy on a laptop under WinME (or WinXP), try running SETI@Home or's RC5 cracker. It worked for me under both OSs.