Posts for the month of December 2012

Delay Before RPM Installs

I wanted the user to have a chance to abort an install, for the ones that insist on using rpm vs yum.

%if <something>
%global fake %%(for i in {1..100}; do echo " "; done)
%{echo:%{fake}WARNING: RPM will not properly require vendor drivers! }
%global fake %%(for i in {1..5}; do echo " "; done)
%global fake %(sleep 10)

Have RPM Require an Environmental Variable

$(warning RHEL4 is no longer supported!)
$(warning The driver RPMs no longer support RHEL4 and the RPM that is generated will not properly require them.)
$(warning If you are OK with that, then you can re-run with TARGET_RHEL_OVERRIDE=1)
$(error RHEL4 is no longer supported!)