Using qmail in an RPM (or YUM) world...

I was trying to run 'yum update' on my webmail server, which runs the highly recommended distro. Well, to get it to stop trying to install exim / sendmail / postfix I was able to create a "fake_mta.spec" based on one I found online (but had to transcribe into a VM box):

# Use rpmbuild -bb to install this

Buildarch: noarch
Conflicts: sendmail, exim, postfix, qmail
Group: Productivity/Networking/Email/Servers
License: GPL
Name: fake_mta
Provides: smtp_daemon
Release: 1adm
Summary: Fake package to protect qmail's sendmail files.
Version: 1


A fake package so that qmail won't get hosed,
even tho RPM/YUM don't know about it.

* Sun Sep 25 2005 Aaron D. Marasco
- Shamelessly stolen from SuSE security list (Chris Mahmood)



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